GOOD:The book's spine and cover are in good condition (may show signs of wear) and its pages are free of marks/highlights.
Product Details
Cat fancier Mordecai Siegal gives you expert advice on how to care—and love—your pet cat. There are over 100 photographs that aid in addressing the following:
In the Beginning...Kittens
The Tiger Within
Gaining the Upper Paw—Training
Food, Glorious Food
Medic Alert
Cats and Kids
A Who's Who of Uncommon Cats
Not only does the book cover the caring for and loving your cat at home, but it also gives you tips for what they're looking for in cat shows. There's a glossary, list of cat registry organizations, publications of interest to cat owners, suggested reading list, and an index at the end of the book.
NOTE: It should be noted that the lists of organizations and publications could be outdated as this book, although full of timeless advice, was published in the 1980s.