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The Biology Coloring Book (Paperback)

The Biology Coloring Book (Paperback)

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GOOD: All of the pages are ready for you to color. The book's spine is slightly skewed, but the binding remains intact. There is a small tear at the bottom of the front cover and the first few pages.

Product Details

From the back cover: "Learn about the basic processes of life and the interactions of living things with their environment. Use the unique and highly effective Coloring Concepts method to take advantage of the fact that more than 50% of your brain is devoted to vision and movement. Experience for yourself how the action of coloring a carefully designed picture almost magically creates understanding more completely and quickly than passive reading. Allow yourself to be tutored step-by-step through the fundamental concepts of biology and the evidence and reasoning processes which led to them, while the colors and your movements form strong mental associations which greatly improve comprehension and memory. Whether studying biology on your own or enrolled in a course in high school or college, you will find this book indispensable."

The book contains 111 plates for study and coloring. The book's cover shows the detail of one of these plates, "Animal Cells," plate 30. Each coloring exercise consists of a two-page spread, with the first page being the coloring instructions and the second, the coloring plate.

In the book's "How to Use This Book: Coloring Instructions" section, the author indicates that the presentation order of the plates corresponds in some instances with the order of instruction in a formal biology course.
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AUTHOR: Griffin;Robert D.
PUBLISHER: HarperResource
ISBN-13: 9780064603072
ISBN-10: 0064603075
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