Critical Properties of Φ^4-Theories (Softcover)
Critical Properties of Φ^4-Theories (Softcover)
VERY GOOD: This book is in very good condition, showing slight shelf wear at the bottom of the back cover. The pages are free from writing.
Product Details
From the back cover: "This book explains how to perform perturbation expansions in quantum field theory to high orders, and how to extract the critical properties of the theory from the resulting divergent power series. These properties are calculated for various second-order phase transitions of three-dimensional systems with high accuracy, in particular the critical exponents observable in experiments close to the phase transition."
- Introduction
- Definition of Φ4-Theory
- Feynman Diagrams
- Diagrams in Momentum Space
- Structural Properties of Perturbation Theory
- Diagrams for Multicomponent Fields
- Scale Transformations of Fields and Correlations Functions
- Regularization of Feynman Integrals
- Renormalization
- Renormalization Group
- Recursive Subtraction of UV-Divergences by R-Operation
- Zero-Mass Approach to Counterterms
- Calculation of Momentum Space Integrals
- Generation of Diagrams
- Results of the Five-Loop Calculation
- Basic Resummation Theory
- Critical Exponents of O(N)-Symmetric Theory
- Cubic Anisotropy
- Variational Perturbation Theory
- Critical Exponents form Other Expansions
- New Resummation Algorithm
Following the Conclusion at the end of the chapters, there are two additional sections:
- Diagrammatic R-Operation up to Five Loops
- Contributions to Renormalization-Constants
Notes and References are placed at the end of each chapter, and the book ends with an Index.

PUBLISHER: World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd.
ISBN-13: 9789810246594
ISBN-10: 9810246595