Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and R/S-Plus (Softcover)
Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and R/S-Plus (Softcover)
VERY GOOD: This book is in very good condition, showing very few signs of use or wear. It is printed on acid-free paper.
Product Details
From the back of the book: "Stimulate learning through discovery
"With its emphasis on the discovery method, this book allows readers to discover solutions on their own rather than simply copy answers or apply a formula by rote. Readers will quickly master and learn to apply statistical methods, such as bootstrap, decision trees, and permutations, to better characterize, report, test, and classify their research findings. In addition to traditional methods, specialized methods are covered, allowing readers to select and apply the most effective method for their research, including:
- Tests and estimation procedures for one, two, and multiple samples
- Model building
- Multivariate analysis
- Complex experimental design
"Throughout the text, the R programming language is used to illustrate new concepts and assist readers in completing exercises. Readers may download the freely available R programming language from the Internet or take advantage of the menu-driven S-PLUS® program.
"Written in an informal, highly accessible style, this text is an excellent guide to descriptive statistics, estimation, testing hypotheses, and model building. All the pedagogical tools needed to facilitate quick learning are provided:
- More than two hundred exercises scattered throughout the text stimulate readers' thinking and actively engage them in applying their newfound skills
- Companion FTP site provides access to all data sets and programs discussed in the text
- Dozens of thought-provoking questions in the final chapter, Problem Solving, assist readers in applying statistics to address real-life problems
- Instructor's manual provides answers to exercises
- Helpful appendices include an introduction to S-PLUS® features
"This text serves as an excellent introduction to statistics for students in all disciplines. The accessible style and focus on real-life problem solving are perfectly suited for both students and practitioners."
- Variation
- Probability
- Distributions
- Testing Hypotheses
- Designing an Experiment or Survey
- Analyzing Complex Experiments
- Developing Models
- Reporting Your Findings
- Problem Solving
- Appendix: S-PLUS
- Index to R Commands
- Index

PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN-13: 9780471715757
ISBN-10: 0471715751