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The Theory of Open Quantum Systems (Softcover)

The Theory of Open Quantum Systems (Softcover)

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VERY GOOD: This book is in very good condition, showing only slight signs of use and wear (such as on the cover corners). The book was printed on acid-free paper.

Product Details

From the back cover: "To provide a self-contained presentation the text begins with a survey of classical probability theory and with an introduction to the foundations of quantum mechanics with particular emphasis on its statistical interpretation. The fundamentals of density matrix theory, quantum Markov processes and dynamical semi-groups are developed. The most important master equations used in quantum optics and in the theory of quantum Brownian motion are applied to the study of many examples. Special attention is paid to the theory of environment induced decoherence, its role in the dynamical description of the measurement process and tot he experimental observation of decohering Schrödinger cat states.

"The book induces the modern formation of open quantum systems in terms of stochastic processes in Hilbert space. Stochastic wave function methods and Monte Carlo algorithms are designed and applied to important examples from quantum optics and atomic physics, such as Lévy statistics in the laser cooling of atoms, and the damped Jaynes-Cummings model. The basic features of non-Markovian quantum behaviour of open systems are examined on the basis of projection operator techniques. In addition, the book expounds the relativistic theory of quantum measurements and discusses several examples from a unified perspective, e.g., non-local measurements and quantum teleportation. Influence functional and super-operator techniques are employed to study the density matrix theory in quantum electrodynamics and applications to the destruction of quantum coherence are presented.

"The text addresses graduate students and lecturers in physics and applied mathematics, as well as researchers with interests in fundamental questions in quantum mechanics and its applications. Many analytical methods and computer simulation techniques are developed and illustrated with the help of numerous specific examples. Only a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and of elementary concepts of probability theory is assumed."


I. Probability in Classical and Quantum Physics
  1. Classical probability theory and stochastic processes
  2. Quantum probability
II. Density Matrix Theory
  1. Quantum master equations
  2. Decoherence
III. Stochastic Processes in Hilbert Space
  1. Probability distributions on Hilbert space
  2. Stochastic dynamics in Hilbert space
  3. The stochastic simulation method
  4. Applications to quantum optical systems
IV. Non-Markovian Quantum Processes
  1. Projection operator techniques
  2. Non-Markovian dynamics in physical systems
V. Relativistic Quantum Processes
  1. Measurement in relativistic quantum mechanics
  2. Open quantum electrodynamics
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AUTHOR: Breuer;Heinz-Peter and Francesco Petruccione
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ISBN-13: 9780199213900
ISBN-10: 0199213909
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The Theory of Open Quantum Systems (Softcover)
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The Theory of Open Quantum Systems (Softcover)2068
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