Applied Wavelet Analysis with S-PLUS (Softcover)
Applied Wavelet Analysis with S-PLUS (Softcover)
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Product Details
From the back cover: "This book introduces applied wavelet analysis through the S-PLUS software system. Using a visual data analysis approach, wavelet concepts are explained in a way that is intuitive and easy to understand. Wavelets, as well as a whole range of related signal-processing techniques, such as wavelet packets, local cosine analysis, and matching pursuits are covered. Applications of wavelet analysis are illustrated, including nonparametric function estimation, digital image compression, and time-frequency acoustic signal analysis.
"This book is intended for use by a broad range of data analysts, scientists, and engineers. Whereas most books on wavelets require advanced training in mathematics, this book minimizes reliance on formal mathematical methods. Readers should be familiar with calculus and linear algebra at the undergraduate level."
Subtitle: With 192 Illustrations
- Introduction
- Wavelet Analysis of 1-D Signals
- Wavelet Analysis of Images
- Exploratory Wavelet Analysis
- More on Wavelet Analysis
- Nonparametric Estimation with Wavelets
- Wavelet Packet Analysis
- Cosine Packet Analysis
- Wavelet Packet and Cosine Packet Analysis of Images
- Matching Pursuit and Molecules
- Variations on Wavelet Analysis
- Wavelet Algorithms and Filters
- Wavelet Packet and Cosine Packet Algorithms
- Boundary Conditions for Wavelet Analysis
- Orthogonal Wavelet Functions
- Biorthogonal Wavelet Functions
- Wavelet Classes and Objects
- S+WAVELETS Function List
The book concludes with References and Index.

ISBN-13: 9780387947143
ISBN-10: 0387947140