Presidents of the United States of America
Presidents' Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February to honor past Presidents of the United States. Also known as Washington's Birthday, it was originally established to honor George Washington, the first President of the United States, whose birthday is February 22.
Below is listed all of the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States of America in the order of their terms. The US Constitution outlines the powers of the offices.
The collection that we’ve compiled is of “US Presidents,” but if you’re interested in the individuals themselves, the index below will give you a jumping off point for your search terms. As our catalog changes, so will the results of your searches.
Order | Term | President | Vice-President |
1 | 1789-1797 | George Washington | John Adams |
2 | 1797-1801 | John Adams | Thomas Jefferson |
3 | 1801-1809 | Thomas Jefferson | Aaron Burr, George Clinton |
4 | 1809-1817 | James Madison | George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry |
5 | 1817-1825 | James Monroe | Daniel D. Tompkins |
6 | 1825-1829 | John Quincy Adams | John C. Calhoun |
7 | 1829-1837 | Andrew Jackson | John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren |
8 | 1837-1841 | Martin Van Buren | Richard M. Johnson |
9 | 1841 | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler |
10 | 1841-1845 | John Tyler | None |
11 | 1845-1849 | James Knox Polk | George M. Dallas |
12 | 1849-1850 | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore |
13 | 1850-1853 | Millard Fillmore | None |
14 | 1853-1857 | Franklin Pierce | William R. King |
15 | 1857-1861 | James Buchanan | John C. Breckinridge |
16 | 1861-1865 | Abraham Lincoln | Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Johnson |
17 | 1865-1869 | Andrew Johnson | None |
18 | 1869-1877 | Ulysses Simpson Grant | Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson |
19 | 1877-1881 | Rutherford Birchard Hayes | William A. Wheeler |
20 | 1881 | James Abram Garfield | Chester Alan Arthur |
21 | 1881-1885 | Chester Alan Arthur | None |
22 | 1885-1889 | Stephen Grover Cleveland | Thomas Hendricks |
23 | 1889-1893 | Benjamin Harrison | Levi P. Morton |
24 | 1893-1897 | Stephen Grover Cleveland | Adlai E. Stevenson |
25 | 1897-1901 | William McKinley | Garret A. Hobart, Theodore Roosevelt |
26 | 1901-1909 | Theodore Roosevelt | Charles W. Fairbanks |
27 | 1909-1913 | William Howard Taft | James S. Sherman |
28 | 1913-1921 | Woodrow Wilson | Thomas R. Marshall |
29 | 1921-1923 | Warren Gamaliel Harding | Calvin Coolidge |
30 | 1923-1929 | Calvin Coolidge | Charles G. Dawes |
31 | 1929-1933 | Herbert Clark Hoover | Charles Curtis |
32 | 1933-1945 | Franklin Delano Roosevelt | John Nance Garner, Henry A. Wallace, Harry S. Truman |
33 | 1945-1953 | Harry S. Truman | Alben W. Barkley |
34 | 1953-1961 | Dwight David Eisenhower | Richard Milhous Nixon |
35 | 1961-1963 | John Fitzgerald Kennedy | Lyndon Baines Johnson |
36 | 1963-1969 | Lyndon Baines Johnson | Hubert Horatio Humphrey |
37 | 1969-1974 | Richard Milhous Nixon | Spiro T. Agnew, Gerald Rudolph Ford |
38 | 1974-1977 | Gerald Rudolph Ford | Nelson Rockefeller |
39 | 1977-1981 | James Earl Carter, Jr. | Walter Mondale |
40 | 1981-1989 | Ronald Reagan | George H. W. Bush |
41 | 1989-1993 | George H. W. Bush | Dan Quayle |
42 | 1993-2001 | William Jefferson Clinton | Albert Gore, Jr. |
43 | 2001-2009 | George Walker Bush | Richard Cheney |
44 | 2009-2017 | Barack Hussein Obama | Joseph R. Biden, Jr. |
45 | 2017-2021 | Donald J. Trump | Michael R. Pence |
46 | 2021-2025 | Joseph R. Biden, Jr. | Kamala D. Harris |
47 | 2025- | Donald J. Trump | J. D. Vance |
US Presidents Collection
Please use this link to get to the US Presidents collection in our catalog: US PRESIDENTS.
Feature Image by Jeromey Balderrama on Unsplash